From our community

This training builds you. It lets you be in the body you’re in with the life you’ve lived and then find and expand the strength in who you are.

Adding to that, my kids watch me be a learner, deal with struggle, and find my power. And I witness them do the same. I want them to see me and other parents doing the cool thing, not just watching and waiting for our turn. They’re learning that at any age, you don’t have to put your own growth on hold, you can do it now!

I know they’ll take these lessons into the world every day, long after we’re in the dojo together.

Emily Malpass

To-Shin Do practitioner, Art teacher

It’s the meaningful life lessons and the fun classes that have kept us coming here for years.

The lead instructor, Bryan Griffin has survived intense, active combat, and he channels that experience into teaching a martial art that prioritizes de-escalation over violence.

This is exactly what I was looking for in a martial arts school for my family. My child has flourished under the skillfully balanced guidance of the teachers at Quest.

Sonja Ciotti

Proud To-Shin Do parent, Poet

I never expected to do this, especially as I got older.

Quest Martial Arts Raleigh changed me and how I view the world. I no longer want to fight everything. I’m more relaxed in everything I do.

Brian Haines

To-Shin Do shodan

The teachers at Quest help bring my reserved, shy kid out of her shell. At the same time they help my energetic kid focus his energy in a disciplined way.

I love that my kids have such skilled and positive role models. I liked it so much, I had to start training for myself!

Jenn Robinson

Long-time dojo mom—now dojo member

As a former practitioner of jiu-jutsu, judo, and hapkido, I have finally found what I’ve been searching for. To-Shin Do has taught me key fundamental principles that are at the heart of all martial art styles. I really enjoy practicing with the historical Japanese weapons too! It’s something I’ve always wanted to learn, but I found that most martial art schools specialize in one thing or another. At Quest we get to practice it all – ground, grappling, throws, strikes, weapons, and more.

The instructors are phenomenal. They understand the techniques down to the finest detail and teach with a sense of humor that connects with everyone. All four of my children enjoy training here as much as I do!

Ian Lopez

To-Shin Do student, US Naval Officer

I have trained with Bryan Griffin since he was a boy. As a man, he has shown great courage in the face of some heavy challenges. Bryan has been able to transform those experiences into inspiring lessons for others.

For this special ability, I gave him the name Toutoshi—warrior of the blade that slays evil spirits. He will be a wonderful guide for all who take on the self-development, self-defense system of To-Shin Do.

Stephen K. Hayes

An-Shu, Founder of To-Shin Do

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